Friday, January 4, 2008

Into the reading period.

最近几天讓我比較高興,因為我看見我親愛的小熊貓在她的博客描寫了她的日,她的夢,她的生活。這樣比她在网上打游戲好多了,因為不僅不會是浪費時間,她也能提高她的語言水平。而且給了我机會觀察她的每一天都過了怎么樣。我那么想她。不能相信我已經离開她了。 我們在最近的將來不會在一起住了,因為我的生活般到美國了。

Egzamin ustny z chinskiego poszedl calkiem dobrze. To byla najlatwiejsza prezentacja z chinskiego jaka do tej pory mialam, strasznie krotkie zdania, i strasznie przy tym proste. Dostalam potem skrot do ocen semestralnych, no i ledwo ledwo wychodze z ta A, jestem troche powyzej 90ciu. Czemu tu sie dziwic, w koncu sie do tego Chinskiego w tym semestrze w ogole nie przykladalam (to przez ten Koreanski, ach te jezyki…).

The Chinese skit presentations was
the highlight of the day (a very early one though, who wakes up at 8 during the reading period?). 力山 in my group was simply fabulous, with all his well-tested, amazing cross-dressing capabilities and intense passion for make-up. Never would I expect him to spend hours on youtube learning how to apply mascara for a single Chinese skit. He didn't spend that much time on the script itself. A friend made this summer in China, a junior at Harvard, 力山 always makes me laugh, raising my mood. That's probably his way of speaking that does the magic.

I was glad to see people laughing at our dorky ideas in the parody of Cinderella, such as 王子和灰姑娘做了非死不可(Facebook) 的朋友,也 (the Prince and Cinderella became Facebook friends) poked each other into marriage (!), or the ball with Usher's music in background and the short sentence twist to Ai Zhang Lin's short story. Other groups skits were fun too, as always, as expected. I liked best the "looking for girlfriend TV show" with three amazing male characters. One a geeky computer worm (“我什么要求都没有,只要是女的就行了” -- I don't have any demands, as long as she's female), one a crazy old General from 16th century China (“我以前的妻子就是西施”), and finally my favourite one, a self-absorbed, self-loving Chinese doctor (haha, guess why? no, not because the guy playing him was cute, though he really was cute). It's incredible how they created these roles by mere compilation of the Chinese vocab, grammar and a couple of 成语 learned this past semester. I love my Chinese class, people are just ridiculously creative.

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